Since 1964, the story of this bank began under the vibrant blue skies of Harrisburg, Nebraska, nestled in the heart of The Nebraska Panhandle. From its inception, the bank has built trust with the local community, one firm handshake at a time. As a result, it expanded its footprint, establishing connections not only in Nebraska, including Alma, Beaver City, and Harrisburg but also reaching into Wyoming with branches in Cheyenne and Guernsey.
The bank takes immense pride in its commitment to community involvement, actively contributing to causes such as Future Farmers of America (FFA), 4-H, and local events. The team members are dedicated to making a positive impact, participating in organizations like the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary International, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, coaching youth sports, and serving on local school boards, church boards, and scholarship committees. To empower the next generation, the bank sponsors financial literacy classes for high-schoolers.
Throughout its 50-year journey, the bank’s team has played a pivotal role in supporting farmers and ranchers, facilitating the expansion of their operations. Additionally, it has empowered growth-driven business entrepreneurs, helping turn their dreams into reality. The bank’s legacy is deeply intertwined with the prosperity and growth of the communities it serves.